
Art of Living.

The beginning of an era.

A new media form for myself.

The start of opening up a lot more and share some thoughts from deep inside.

Being myself more than I’ve ever been in public and giving you the chance to join me on this journey if you´re any interested in me, in what I’m doing or in bikelife in general. Been in love with storytelling for a long time now and it just feels good and natural to make this move and start something new to have the chance to do more of it than I ever did.

Social media is the new world.

It opens up a lot of chances and possibilities, especially for people like me.

I`m truly thankful to be able to use this as a tool and I’m not gonna give it up, but I also and at the same time feel restricted more and more doing it.

It just doesn`t fit my personality, lifestyle and the freedom that I wanna live and appreciate so much, to adapt my daily life to a neverending story of changing algorithm and rules just because everyone else is doing it.

Rules that don’t really care anymore about the raw quality of the content, but the behavior inside that single computer program that changes our lives.

All that changed and mutated into a world of likes and followers without even seeing the content anymore.

A world of paid advertisements instead of meaningful stories from people that are truly worth to follow and give attention to.

A world full of people that don’t even have to tell anything that’s worth to listen to but playing their newly born game as „influencers“.

A world full of daily pressure for something that‘s partly not even real.

A very fast life that is just getting faster and faster and that seems to not slow down anytime soon.

All that just doesn’t make me happy and I’m tired of it.

It‘s just not me.

Works well for some but doesn‘t work for others.

So thankful about my bike helping me to get away from all that, to slow life down even when going fast and be no other than myself while being out there having fun.

Nevertheless, there is a lot that I have to tell and really want to share about my big passion for riding bikes and my love for life in general.

I decided to change focus, do it my way again and add this oldschool but classic feature to what I’m doing at the moment.

WELCOME to my new story page that people nowadays would call a blog.

This tool in cooperation with #timeisyourlife will give me the chance to not only post single photos that are swiped from the screen in just a second even if they got liked, or do not count if people don’t give a like even if they do like, but tell stories and backgrounds about what all that means to me and stands for.

Deeply in love with photos and photo stories that can tell so much when you open yourself and take your time to really let them.

Something that also gives you freedom for interpretation and adaption to each person’s lives.

I´m gonna give you some exclusive insights and walk you through my life as a professional mountainbike rider, oldschool adventurer, artist of life and nature lover with regular stories about my daily business and share some personal thoughts and convictions.

It´s all about being myself, doing what makes me happy and share what I do believe in a 100%.

Stoked about what’s gonna come and stoked to share it with you and with the whole world the way I am and the way I like it.

Join me on my journey and subscribe for regular stories about topics that I truly think are worth to tell and think about and messages from deep inside myself.

CHEERS and see ya around here,

